Regular Meeting – January 7, 2014


           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman, Arden Potter at 16:00.  Members present: Mike Williams, Larry Helsley and Bill Britton. Members absent: George Owen.  Others present: Chief Scott Alvord, Clerk Lisa Guglielmina, and Jim Underwood.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.    Approve Regular Meeting Minutes of December 3, 2013 –

B.     Approve Warrant List and Journal Entries –

C.    Approve Budget Transfer- Short discussion on Firefighter pay and reimbursement from incidents.

MSC: Britton/Williams to approve consent agenda as presented.


       III.               ITEM OF IMMEDIATE NEED:

A.           Separate Warrant List – It was brought to the attention of the Board that an item of immediate need is being requested for a separate warrant list containing one item to be paid:  Henry Boorman for the structure work at station one, building a roof structure to protect the new heating and air units from the elements.  The invoice was presented to the Clerk late and did not make the regular warrant list; the item cannot wait until the next scheduled regular meeting.  Chairman, Arden Potter called for a vote for an item of immediate need to approve the separate warrant list. 

MSC: Williams/Britton to consider the separate warrant list for Henry Boorman as an item of immediate need. Vote: Ayes-4, Noes-0, Abstain-0, Absent-1.  

               Discussion on the structure and last minute adjustments due to the structure being detached from the main building. 

               MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve the separate warrant list for Henry Boorman for materials and labor in building the heating and air protective structure.


       IV.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.        Discuss/Approve – Revised Employee Contracts and approve Employee Benefits Warrant List. – In order to participate in the health care exchange, the Fire District cannot issue the checks directly to the health insurance provider, it must come from the employee.  The District may reimburse the employees as part of the plan.  In order to do this the employee contracts must reflect it.  Discussion on income taxes; some answers still being researched on the impact these may have on the employees.

            MSC: Williams/Britton to approve the revised employee contracts and separate warrant list to reimburse the Chief and Clerk for medical insurance premiums with the understanding that the Board may need to revisit in the future.

B.         Discuss/Approve – Vision and Dental Coverage for Clerk – Existing policies in the employee contract remain the same.  Discussion on providing coverage for Lisa, her husband and youngest daughter, who is in college.

MSC: Britton/Helsley to approve dental coverage for Clerk and her family.

C.        Discuss/Approve – Closing Statements for the Annual Audit of 2012/2013 – Short discussion, no questions.

MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve the closing statements for the annual audit of 2012/2013.  

D.        Discuss/Approve – Allowing 3 WFD Firefighters to use B-2103 as transportation to the Fire Academy – Discussion on the budget.  Chief, Scott Alvord stated that 2 of our firefighters are attending the fire academy and would like to help them by providing transportation to the academy; to help lessen the burden on them as far as costs are concerned.  He suggested they use C-2101 instead due to better fuel mileage and reliability, he also suggested lowering the use to 2 days a week.  He introduced a program called “Strive”, which will reimburse the Department for money used to help them through the academy.  With “Strive” the firefighters must graduate, and commit to 2.5 years of service to a volunteer F.D. or pay “Strive” back.  Discussion on completing the program and academy.  Commissioner Williams stated he would like to see a commitment to the Fire Department even if they do not do the “Strive” program, of at least 1 year.  If they do not fulfill their obligation then they will need to pay the District back.

MSC: Williams/Britton – to approve the Chief to administer the use of a District vehicle 2 days a week for the students attending the Fire Academy.  If the “Strive” program does not work out then the firefighters will need to commit to a year of service or pay the money back to the District.

E.         Discuss/Approve – Policy #3002.0 Expenditures, budgeted, under $5,000.00 – No questions.

MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve Policy #3002.0 Expenditures, budgeted, under $5,000.00 as presented.

F.         Discuss/Approve – Policy #3002.1 Expenditures, not budgeted, under $5,000.00 – Short discussion on Jim Underwood reviewing.

This Action Item is tabled until the next scheduled regular meeting.

G.        Discuss/Approve – Policy #3002.2 Expenditures over $5,000.00 – Short discussion on Jim Underwood reviewing.

This Action Item is tabled until the next scheduled regular meeting.

H.        Discuss/Approve – Policy #3002.3 Petty Cash – Short discussion on the mobility of the cash box. 

MSC: Williams/Helsley to approve Policy #3002.3 Petty Cash as presented.           



A.    Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Chief Alvord stated that the program is still at a stopping point due to the dry conditions.


B.     Fire Chief/Marshall Report:  

·        January 25, is the awards dinner

·        Department did 529 calls in 2013

·        Junction City had a house fire up Canyon Creek Road – WFD responded

·        Mill had broken sprinklers

·        Fire behind St. Joseph’s Church

·        Final inspection on Dollar General

·        Working with the Mill to upgrade sprinkler system

·        Will get the adopted California 2013 fire code

·        Thanked Lisa for working on the policies

·        Equipment – doing well

·        Ted responding out of station two – is actively responding


C.    Sleeper Program Reports: No reports.


D.    Committee Reports:

·        Recruitment Committee: No report.

·        Collection Committee: Receiving payments on a regular basis

·        Contract Committee: No report.

·        Tuition Committee: No Report

·        Budget Committee: No Report.

E.     Director Reports: Commissioner Williams – discussion on discipline policy.  Commissioner Helsley – discussion on awards dinner/helicopter insurance/JCFD members.                                         


       VI.               PUBLIC COMMENTS: None


     VII.               CORRESPONDENCE: None.   


  VIII.               ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 17:16 hours.





__________________________                                    __________________________

    Arden Potter, Chairman                                           Lisa Guglielmina, Clerk of the Board